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What To Expect


We have been waiting for you! No seriously, we have been praying for you to show up. We know it can be daunting to be the new person, so we prepared quick answers to some of your most burning questions.
Sunday service starts at 10 am. It starts with worship and praise usually, except on the first Sunday of the month where we begin with Sunday school. Everyone is welcome at Sunday school, it’s the most interactive part of service. We worship with drums, piano and voices. It’s a pretty lively worship…Oh did we forget to mention, we also do lots of dancing! Because in the presence of the lord is fullness of Joy. The lyrics will be projected on screen so you can engage with worship comfortably. We also have a short prayer session, then we share the word.

We wrote a song for you! The entire church wanted to welcome you and show you some love, but we didn’t know how, so we wrote you song. You will seat. We will sing. It goes something like this “you are welcome…” You will just have to come and hear the rest of the song! Our Hospitality team has a package for you after church, so don’t leave us in a hurry! Not to worry you won’t miss them, one of them will come get you.

What is in the Facility?
Washrooms, First Aid, Coat racks, Snow boots mats, Accessibility ramps, Accessibility washrooms, A bed for changing diapers, parking lots. Ask the ushers for anything you need during service.

I am a Youth
Isn’t it great to be young? There is a service dedicated to youths at 11:30am on Sundays.
Age: 13-20

What About My Children?
We have a children’s section with dedicated teachers for ages 0-12. They will ensure your children are signed in and out so they are in safe hands.
501 Upper Sherman Avenue
Hamilton Ontario, L8V3L7
Phone: 905 481 2174
Email: info@rccgchapelofpraise.ca

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